Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Registration and Attendance (Perth FSY 2024)

1. Approval

Approval to attend FSY is based on receiving parental approval, priesthood leader approval (Bishop/Branch President) and approval from the organising committee. Approval is also determined based on the age requirements, attendance priority and any other criteria set out in these Terms and Conditions.

When your registration is approved by the organising committee you will be notified via an official email. Until you receive this official notification from the organising committee your registration is in a 'pending approval' state.

2. Attendance
Attendance at FSY will be allocated based on the following order of priority:

• Active and less-active members of the participating stakes (i.e. the stakes and missions in Western Australia)
• Non-members within the participating stakes
• Members and non-members outside participating stakes who receive the approval set forth below.

Participation of youth from outside the participating stakes is generally not encouraged. The only exception would be if:

• There were extraordinary circumstances
• The Stake President of such individual concurred
• The assigned Area Seventy for the conference concurred; and
• The individual can pay the full price to attend the conference (not the subsidised price for those youth from participating stakes).

3. Age
Your registration will be considered if you meet the age requirements as outlined on the Perth 2024 website, i.e. you must be at least 14 years of age (inclusive) by December 31st 2024, and at most 19 years of age on 15th January 2024.

4. Accommodation
Accommodation will be allocated to participants by the organising committee. You agree to comply with the room allocations which will be communicated to you on arrival at the conference. Any special needs in regards to accommodation are to be specified in your registration details or advised separately via email to the committee. The organising committee will make every effort possible to help meet any special accommodation needs.

You agree to abide by the following conditions:

• In the interests of personal safety and Workplace legislation you must obey the lawful instructions of any official college staff member, e.g. in case of a fire evacuation
• Service providers reserve the right to ask you to leave the accommodation should your behaviour become unacceptable to the management of the college
• You are to replace and pay for lost door keys or for any items of college property that are broken or stolen
• You are to pay any costs if you falsely set off fire alarms.


5. Medical, Health and Dietary 

You authorise conference leaders and other official personnel to administer medication and provide treatment to you should this be required for your well-being due to accident, illness, injury or any other purpose, and to share necessary confidential information, when required, for the purposes of administering FSY or making a decision that affects the well-being of attendees. This authorisation includes transportation to any medical facilities if required. Any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies etc. are to be fully disclosed in your registration details. If your medical conditions have changed or you have not yet disclosed any medical or dietary information to the committee, please notify the committee immediately via email to [email protected].

6. Standards of Behaviour
You agree to abide by the standards outlined during the registration process and those standards described in the For the Strength of Youth booklet. If you breach any of these standards, you may be sent home. You will not be able to continue at FSY if you participate in any of the following:

  • Breaking the law of chastity
  • Theft of any kind
  • Breaking the Word of Wisdom (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, vaping)
  • Possessing weapons or illegal substances of any kind
  • Doing anything harmful to yourself or others, physically or spiritually.

7. Cancellation Policy and Refunds
If you need to cancel your registration you must send an email to the organising committee on [email protected] to indicate you will no longer be able to attend FSY.

Refunds will be considered on the following basis:

• Full refunds will be provided for cancellations of registration up to Thu 30 November 2023
• After 30 November 2023 full refunds may not be possible if a replacement participant cannot be found (this will be determined by service provider's refund policy)
• Refunds will not be given under any circumstances for partial attendance at the conference.

8. Changes to Terms and Conditions
The organising committee reserves the right to change these terms and conditions as necessary to meet legal requirements or the conditions enforced by any service providers including UWA. Any changes will be notified to registrants via email.

9. Photography

By registering for FSY 2024, I understand that as a youth, my photo, or as a parent, my child’s photo may be used publicly to promote FSY. I understand that the images may be used in print publications, online publications, presentations, websites, and social media.